Root-Cause Therapy is a powerful style of therapy that assists people in getting to the root-cause of their current presenting symptoms.
The power of this method lies in combining talk therapy and trauma healing in a way that works on all levels of the consciousness, healing the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual by getting to the root cause and healing the past events that have caused a belief to develop and still have effect on you today.
It gets to the root of the problem quickly by working directly with the unconscious mind to rewire beliefs that were picked up as either child, in the womb, generationally, or as adults. It then allows for you to get new learning and perspective of the event that triggered the belief pattern in your life. It allows for rapid change over a relatively short period of time.
Unlike hypnosis, which can create a fear of lack of control, and unlike talk therapy which can leave you feeling worse with a long-time frame to create change in behaviours and thoughts – this type of healing creates a space for you to unravel why you do, think or feel the way you do – and discover and shift any unwanted patterns consciously, with you in the driving seat along with my knowledge and guidance.
Not only are we working on the Root-Cause of your issues, but in each session we use what is called a ‘Testing Sheet’. This allows us to closely monitor subtle shifts and changes – to give you tangible data, and as your qualified therapist, I am able to pinpoint priorities in each session based on your goals.
Root-cause Therapy focuses on finding and healing the cause of people’s current symptoms. It uses regression, breathwork, and somatic processing to allow completion of unprocessed emotions and a reconnecting to the true self through structured and professional sessions.
As the layers start to release you will start to feel more energetic, and the negative thoughts associated with your difficult emotions, and limiting beliefs, will start to heal and disappear.
What is the difference between Root-Cause Therapy & Time Line Therapy?
The founder of Root-cause therapy Melissa Hiemann (who I personally trained with), was originally trained in NLP, Hypnosis and Timeline therapy, but found there were key missing elements to the training.
These are the somatic elements that were missing:
When someone is in an event, with NLP you are taught to reframe to shift the emotion, but when you look at this in terms of shadow work, it just pushes the emotions further down into the unconscious, causing more fragmentation (and of course can be dangerous). So we assist clients to process the emotions correctly and then gain the learnings once the emotion filters are resolved.
Secondly, there was no set way that sessions were run and no clear procedures from session to session. So Melissa created what’s called a Testing Sheet to confidently take clients through a session, along with elements of applied kinesiology, so assumptions aren’t made on what trauma’s or limiting beliefs need to be worked on and prioritised in each session.
The future part of the healing has also been adjusted, rather than placing something in the future (which could be a goal created from ego/avoidance of pain), we ask that the client’s highest self show the client the highest path and then gain learnings from the future self that way.
Benefits of Root-Cause Therapy
- Many Traumas healed within one session
- Allows you to safely heal past traumas
- Hidden ancestral, past life. in the womb, or from infant to now can be brought to light, so the actual root cause is found and whole patterns or group of traumas are healed (especially if CPTSD)
- Takes a bottom-up approach working with the deeper parts of the mind to address trauma in the body, that enables a person to explore the dysregulated feelings after safety and stabilisation are built and felt. To help create healing, and lasting change.
- Uses kinesiology (muscle testing) so assumptions aren’t made on what trauma’s or limiting beliefs need to be worked on and prioritised in each session.
- Helps you to unravel why you do, think or feel the way you do – and discover and shift any unwanted patterns consciously, with you in the driving seat along with my knowledge and guidance.
- Works simply and effectively online over video call (from the comfort of your own home).
- Completely released unprocessed emotions quickly and effectively.
- Evidence informed (several evidence based methods used within this method).
- Allows full completion of past events
- Assists you to process known and suppressed emotions and trauma, correctly in the event, and then gain the learnings.
- Allows replacement of negative thoughts and beliefs with positive beliefs and learnings, once the emotion filters are resolved (unlike NLP which uses reframing to shift the emotion, pushing the emotion further down into the unconscious).
- Integrates your healing and learning into your conscious mind to break a pattern or cycle.
- Less depended on coping tools.
- By releasing trapped emotions, healing trauma, gaining new understanding on past events, you begin to raise your vibration from survival to empowering you to take back control of your life.
Find out more about my work here
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Jenny xx

My mission is to help as many women as I can break from the past so they can uncover who they are and rebuild a life they love.
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